How to clean suede: 3 easy steps to keep it perfect

We frequently meet clients who ask us how to care for suede boots or a suede purse.
1 - Use a protector from the beginning:
2 - Yes, the brush is important:
Getting a good special brush for suede is also crucial. With it, you will be able to remove dust and surface dirt as well as help maintain the texture that characterizes it.
Saphir MDO Gommadin is also great to clean suede, it works like an eraser. Just rub the suede gently, and you'll see how the dirt disappears.
If you are one of my kind and sometimes you stain more than you should, no problem. Saphir MDO Omninettoyant will be your best ally to make those grimy boots shine again.
3 - Choose the right occasion:
It can always happen that a sunny day suddenly changes and becomes a rainy day, for this we have the protectors.
But we must also take into account that there are some moments in which suede is not the most appropriate if we want to keep it properly.
In summer, it is quite common to see suede sandals on the beach. Please do not do it, the salt literally eats the suede, and it is very likely to be hard and lifeless.
Another factor you should keep in mind is to try not to mix suede in light tones like beige, with jeans or dark-colored garments because it is very easy for it to transfer color. It's a shame because denim with suede in earth tones is a winning combination, but if you do, it's at your own risk. We have warned you.
In conclusion, maintaining and caring for suede is not as tiring as you might think. Moreover, it is a material that, if properly cared for, can last for many years.
So, cheer up, leave the fear for the horror movies and buy that designer purse, jacket, boots or whatever you've seen and love!
See you soon